Hey everyone its been at least 4 months since I last blogged! I know its kind of lame but life gets busy and things happen! Well to start off with updates on little miss Clara Ann. January till now Clara Ann has grown 4 teeth! I know crazy right? Of course now she is a pro at crawling and almost walking, she stands forever by her self but doesn't seem to want to walk lol she is a little diva! She can say "dada" sometimes and says "baba" but I dont think she knows what that means. She can wave bye bye, and she can sign for "more" which helps with Rich and I understanding her! Clara also has gotten to the point now when Rich and I say "NO!" to her she understands but it doesn't mean she will listen haha. Her favorite thing to do is to explore, get things out, make messes, and she loves for me to read to her! I am so blessed to have a baby who is not even a year old, sit and listen to me read! She still wears size 1 shoes for babies, she defently has my small feet lol. She is a social bug she loves playing with every little person she can, she even tries to share toys sometimes lol. Clara loves her grandparents, her great grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and all of her friend (she even loves strangers but were trying to teach her stranger danger lol) Rich and I are so blessed to have Clara in our lives and cant imagen life without her! She is most loved by her crazy parents!
Well now an update on Rich and I ( and trust me we are way less interesting then Clara lol) Well to start off Rich has gotten promoted at work at KFC from head cook to head supervisor! We are very proud of him!! Rich didn't get get excepted to transfer down to BYU Provo, we are ok and are at peace with this. The next big thing that we are deciding is what school should we look into for Rich to transfer to now! We are thinking of manly two collages, SUU in Cedar City, UT or UVU in Provo, UT and maybe USU in Provo, UT. It will be a very interesting year for us!! There has been some sad things that has happen in our family too. Rich's gramps passed away March 24th and it was very bittersweet to have him pass. It was a great blessing that we were able to see gramps hold Clara his great grandchild and it was and honor and a blessing to know for the short time I had with him,we are happy to know he is with his heavenly father and beautiful wife again. Also one more thing that scared Rich and I both! We were down at Rich's Grandmas house in Holden, UT for Easter. Well Easter morning came around and Granee said she was having chest pains and by 2 Granee was at the hospital having a heart attack, but no worries she is healthy and well!! Well as for me I love being a mom and a wife, and am so excited to be planning Clara Anns 1st Birthday!! I also will be getting my wisdom teeth out soon as well lots of fun there but other then that I am just hanging out with amazing friends from the ward and traveling lots!
Well here are some pictures and a video of our Easter!!
Clara found out the Easter Bunny leave a trail!
Easter Morning!!! |
Has really no idea whats going on but she see a camera and smiles!
What a little poser but she defently has a cute smile!! |
Bubbles!!! |
Clara found her favorite food, CHOCOLATE!!
Ya she was pretty happy that when she found out that bunny was all her's!!! |
Clara somewhat nice Easter pictures! |
Sorry its sideways but I love this picture of her!! |
This is one of my FAVORITES!! She is playing peek-a-boo with me!!
Well There is our update!! Hopefully I will write more then I have in the pass 4 months!! Love you all!! |
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