Hey everyone!! Lots has happened since we last posted anything. Well first off I just have to say we are all settled in to are new apartment!! Our new apartment is a little bit smaller then our last one but we are so happy with it! The only down side is that we won't have a nursery for little Clara here in Rexburg because there is no room. So Rich and I have decided when we move to Provo in August or September that we will at least have a three bedroom apartment. Here is a couple of pictures showing you our wonderful little apartment.
This is our lovely living room.
The only thing missing is our T.V. :-( |
This is our view of the Temple from our living room and our bedroom window |
This is our small but wonderful kitchen
our bathroom..ya not much to say about a bathroom. |
This is coming into our wonderful bedroom and also were we soon will be sharing a space with Clara Ann!!
This is what our other side of the bedroom looks like, and there is Rich on our love seat |
Rich is say HI to everyone!!!
This is our Office/ Reading room. This room is for Rich to do his homework and for me to do massages. |
The next thing that is happening in our life is getting ready for little Clara Ann. Thanks to my mom, Rich and I have a good start on clothes for Clara! We have a closet just for her and its filled with 0-12 months of clothes. We of course need to start getting other things, like more diapers, more 0-12 months clothes, bows, stroller, car seat ect. ect. I am hoping that the baby shower will help us out, so if anyone knows were we could find some good deals or anything free so we can put it in the Clara Ann Foundation we would appreciate it! Oh also does anyone know what is the best thing to put on a registry and what I should just get my self? I am registered at Walmart and Target just so everyone knows lol Other good news, I might leave Rich for a week and come down to AZ for the baby shower in March, but were still talking about it. The one thing that Rich and I are doing for sure is coming down to AZ in June or July and getting Clara blessed!! We would love to have her be surround by love ones when she is getting blessed. We wouldn't mind doing the baby blessing in Rexburg but we have the opportunity to have her blessed in Arizona. The other reason we want to come down in June or July is to show off little Clara Ann lol. So excited to meet our bundle of joy!! It was funny just the other day Rich looked at me and said, " Clara is going to be here really soon..." I said back to him, " and when did you discover this?" he said, " its just dawning on me, and I just realized she is going to be here in the next three months." lol oh Rich, I don't think it will really hit him that he is going to be a dad until Clara is born, but thats ok, I just know he will love her the moment he meets Clara!
This is some of the things we have for Clara Ann
This is Rich's favorite outfit that we have that we might dress Clara Ann home in from the hospital |
This is another outfit that we think we might bring Clara Ann home in from the hospital |
Isn't this the cutest little newborn dress ever!! |
One of Clara's Newborn Dresses she can wear to church |
Clara Ann Closet Space.
Thank You mom for all the clothes 0-12 month!!!! |
This is just a recap of what I have looked like being pregnant over the last 6 1/2 months
This is me pregnant at 26 weeks. Man i think my butt is the only thing that got bigger lol |
20 weeks & 5 days |
17 Weeks |
Well on other things that are happening in Rich and I life is realizing that Rexburg is one of the smallest towns we have ever been in lol. There is only very few things to do here, and so that means being creative and learning to cooking, taking walks, crafts, so on and so forth. If anyone knows what to do when there isn't really a whole lot to do either please do tell me!! Oh and just to let everyone know we don't have a t.v. so that means being even more creative lol. Its definitely has been an adventure living in Rexburg and we LOVE it!! Its so fun being able to start our own traditions and not being influenced by anyone if we don't want to be. Not that we don't love to hear about other peoples traditions because it gives Rich and I ideas of our own. If you have any traditions that you think Rich and I should try let us know!! One of the traditions Rich and I are starting to do is going on a date at least once every two weeks. Its really is a great being away and starting a new life with my best friend and I am so grateful that my family is only a phone call away. I am soo ever grateful for all our many blessings and hope that everyone is doing fantastic!! And we will update the blog as soon as we have something to update about!!